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Are you the angel we have been waiting for?

The Full Story

Growing up in a third-world country just 90 miles away from Key West, I always felt my destiny lay elsewhere. From my teenage years, I harbored a dream: to come to America and create video games. Despite numerous setbacks, as many newcomers face, I refused to let anyone or anything dictate what I should or shouldn't do. I didn't let my mind rob me of my dream.


It took time, but I achieved my goal. I worked for some of the most prestigious and challenging studios in the industry, and my little brother followed suit. Two decades later, my dream remains as vivid as ever, but with a new dimension—entrepreneurship. I now seek the support of angels or venture capitalists to embark on a new journey. It's a challenging path, but I'm not just any founder; I bring experience, ambition, and a relentless drive to succeed.

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